Weight-loss meets self-love


What people are saying

My Story

Image of Coach Mer
Image of Coach Mer
Image of Coach Mer

I never thought you would be reading this right now..
What I mean by that is I never thought I would be here writing something even remotely close to this. My entire life I have been the girl that has struggled with her weight and everything that comes with that. I’ve tried all the diets, I went on the walks and I’ve lived through the torturous doctor visits that explained “I just need to eat less” (wow those were fun).


To be completely honest, I never visualized myself NOT being there. I think it’s only human nature that when you’ve struggled with something for so long you come to a place where you just accept it for what it is and just keep moving forward. Thats what I did anyways, until the day I just couldn’t do that anymore.

I know my story is a little different than most because at the time I considered myself in a “good place ” but it wasn’t until I started this journey that I realized I wasn’t. Denial fogged my vision for a long time and even after just my first week of starting my journey I started seeing everything so much clearer. My journey started because my body (after years of ignoring it) told me we had too and after having multiple health concerns I knew in my heart I just couldn’t keep going down this road.

So one Thursday morning I took my first step, even when I took that step I didn’t even know what the next one would be. I think for the first time in my life I put full trust into myself and said “no matter what, I will find a way to make it work”. There was no game plan, no guidance, no experience..it was just me and the confidence I had pulled deeply within myself. That step I took might’ve been the hardest one I ever had to take but it lead me on a path I never could’ve imagined being on, it changed my life in every aspect..emotionally, physically and mentally.

Through my journey not only did I rediscover myself but I became and grew into the person I was always mean’t to be. THAT is why you are reading this because that step I took wasn’t just for me, it was for you as well. I’m here today because my mission in life is  to help guide, support and pure never ending encouragement into those that are just like me. I’m here to prove to you that you are more than any label you’ve ever put on yourself, any failure you’ve experienced, any hateful word someone has ever spoke to you..

You are more than that and I am here to prove exactly that to you.

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Lives We've Changed

Don't know where to start?

Well I’m here to teach you how!
Coach Mer showing eating habits
Coach Mer demonstrating fitness
Coach Mer being happy
Coach mer demonstrating confidence

Online Coaching

What is online coaching &
what does it include?

Below are the amazing things you will receive when signing up for my online coaching, exciting isn’t it?! This all-in-one solution will help you start (or of course continue) your health journey and will all be easily accessed through my app.


A recipe-packed meal plan that is 100% customized and made just for you, that will also avoid any food allergies you may have, dietary restrictions, and foods you do not absolutely love. This meal plan will make you see “dieting” in a completely different way!


Rather you need a workout plan for at home or at the gym, your fitness plan will be completely customized for you! We also will be taking into account your experience, comfort level, and any injuries you may have while creating your plan for you.


Of course we will be there by your side every step of the way, by having weekly check-ins, answering your questions you have, holding you accountable and by making sure that you feel encouraged, supported and uplifted each day while being in the program.


Join the team and connect with people around the world who are also currently in my program. This group is powerful and is a safe place to talk about your struggles and successes while taking on your health journey.

Coach mer nutrition cover


Delicious, simple recipes that will leave you feeling full and satisfied at the end of each day. Leave tracking macros and calories to us, as all these meals will be laid out and measured for exactly what you need to reach your desired goals. Every recipe on your meal plan will have detailed instructions for meal preparations, along with the ingredients and measurements needed. We also make grocery shopping easy peasy as you will have a shopping cart option within your app making it super simple to select and buy the ingredients needed for the meals you have chosen for the week.

Customized Workout Plan

Workouts that will make you scream “MOMMA I MADE IT” at the end of each of them! These workouts are completely made for you and of course your desired body goals. Each plan will be created and determined based on your current experience and comfort level, your preferred location rather that be at home, at the gym, or both; what equipment you currently have, how much time you’ll have for each workout, and the amount of days that will best fit your busy schedule. Your fitness plan will also have videos showing each movement, the amount of reps and sets to do for each workout, a tracking log to import the weight you used for each exercise, and of course access to me and my team to help you with any form tips or questions you may have.

Image of a female fitness trainer that is holding two dumbbells
Coach Mer one on one coaching

1 on 1 coaching

First, know we are going to be your biggest fans and your best friends. As your coaches we will be by your side every step of the way, holding you accountable and always encouraging you. You’ll have easy access to us as we will communicate through my app using audio, videos, and text along with doing weekly check-ins to review your overall week. We will send health and fitness lessons to teach and motivate you as you take this journey on. Our #1 goal is YOU and your well-being, and our purpose is to encourage and support you during this lifestyle change and when needed, help you through the valleys.


One thing I’ve learned through my personal journey was the importance of support and how much of a difference it truly makes. With that being said, in my app, you’ll find a group feature that has all of the amazing people who are currently in my program. On this group page, you’ll see that it’s a safe place for those to discuss their struggles, celebrate those huge wins, ask any questions that you may have and of course loads of fun as we all build strong relationships with one another! Wouldn’t it be cool to be able to tackle your journey with those who have the same goals, struggles, and wants in mind? Well with this program that’s exactly what you’ll be able to do with people all around the world!

Image of coach mer
Take a look inside my app
Getting started is simple



GIVE ME ALL THE TEA by filling in the contact form & don’t forget to double check your information before submitting it to make sure everything is flawless.



WE ARE SO EXCITED to speak with you about your goals and to answer any questions you have regarding the program. So within the next 24 hours we will be reaching out to you to set up a short and sweet meeting.



WOW YOU ARE AMAZING and again we are so thrilled to learn more about you! Rather the meeting be through a phone call or through text, whichever you feel most comfortable with we will do.



YOUR DAY ONE is whenever you decide it will be! When speaking with us you have the option to pick any date you’d like, rather that’ll be today or next month the power is in your hands.

Meet the Team

team full of certifications

Bachelors of Nutritional Sciences | Bachelors of Science Kinesiology | ACE CPT | NASM CPT | NASM CNC | NASM VC | AFAA | PRECISION NUTRITION | ASFA PT


Each member on my team has faced a struggle within their life that they’ve had to overcome. When selecting the members that stand beside me on my team, my main goal was to not only choose those that are passionate about helping others but to also select the coaches that will understand, empathize and relate to the struggles you currently may be facing. From binge eating to under eating, as well as those who struggle with finding time for themselves. Whether it be work related, raising children or constant traveling we will help you see that these obstacles can be overcome and our stories are proof of this.

WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT? In my program we focus not only on your physical health but more importantly your mental health as well. Through our own personal journeys, we’ve learned that when you change the way you think, your body will follow. Facing trials and hardships in your life can often make you believe that you’ll never cross that finish line. But our main focus as coaches is to not only prove to you that YOU CAN but to also show you that the race itself can be (and always should be) an enjoyable experience that leaves you feeling proud and excited each day while conquering your health journey.

Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. The best is yet to come